An easy way to check the phenomenon of cracking of porcelain clay after it has dried.

Hello, this is Fuchino.

This time, after making a work of art with porcelain clay and drying it

I would like to introduce an easy way to check if there are any cracks in the porcelain clay.

This time, I would like to introduce an easy way to check if there is a crack in the part you are worried about.

Please watch the video as well.

An easy way to check for cracks after drying

Cracks that are immediately obvious are easy to see.

But cracks that are very difficult to see even if you stare at them closely can be troublesome.

Cracking is caused by temperature rise during firing.



Cracks during drying can cause cracking when the temperature is raised during firing.

It is unlikely that the cracks will disappear or be connected if they are left unattended during firing.

It is unlikely that the cracks will disappear or be connected.

In most cases, cracks that appear during drying will remain and spread after firing.

Most of the time.

How do we find these troublesome cracks?

Here is an example.

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Kerosene or alcohol is useful to check for cracks.

For thin peripheral areas, glued areas, etc.

Apply kerosene or alcohol with a brush or sponge to areas that have cracked before or areas of concern.

Apply kerosene or alcohol with a brush or sponge.

Apply kerosene or alcohol.

When you apply kerosene or alcohol, if there is a crack, the liquid will follow the crack and penetrate the crack.

If there is a crack, the liquid will penetrate along the crack, and the crack will become visible.

The cracks that are found are treated at this stage.

By treating the cracks found at this stage and not firing the ones that cannot be treated

This will reduce the number of cracks during firing and improve the yield of the work.

There are many cracks during firing that cannot be repaired or are very difficult to repair.

So, if there is a crack, it should be repaired.

Therefore, it is effective to find and deal with cracks at the time of drying if there are any.

I can use water to check for cracks, but I can find…

You can find it using water instead of kerosene or alcohol, but

In the case of water

It is not recommended to use a lot of water or to use it over and over again.

If you use a lot of water, you will need to dry the clay thoroughly again afterwards.

If you use it repeatedly, the clay will melt and the area you are checking will become thin.

With kerosene or alcohol, you don’t have to worry about drying and thinning.

You can use kerosene or alcohol again and again without worrying about drying and thinning.