Manufacturing Process

Production process of porcelain clay

We manufacture each product by specific formulation and and proportions.

We mainly use the two manufacturing methods.
Stamper manufacturing
Ball mill manufacturing

These two types of manufacturing methods are introduced here.
The manufacturing method differs slightly depending on the product.

Manufacturing method by stamper

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Manufacturing method by ball mill

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Manufacturing method by stamper

The stamper uses a pestle and mortar to crush the ceramic stone into small pieces to make white porcelain clay.

Ceramic stone grinding


Remove dirt from the ceramic stone and blend it to make it smaller.

This will be blended according to our own harmony and distribution. It is then crushed as it is a joke crasher.

The coarsely pulverized ceramic stone is further refined.

The coarsely ground pottery stone is further refined using a stamper. It takes about 11 hours to become a powder.
The powdered ceramic stone is sucked up by a blower, pneumatically transported, and stored in a hopper.


The difference in settling speed in water is used to sort coarse to fine particles in stages.



Mix the powdered ceramic stone with water using an agitator.

製造工程 撹拌

Remove the rough particles.

製造工程 砂上げ

Further sorting

Extract the finest and cleanest grains of sand.

製造工程 圭揚


This fine powder becomes porcelain clay.
It takes two weeks to a month for the fine powder to fill the sedimentation tank.
This is the next step in the process.

製造工程 沈殿



Sieve the mud to remove the iron content.

Impurities are removed through a vibrating sieve (75-90 microns). The mud is then passed through a de-ironing machine (electromagnet) to remove the iron content.

製造工程 脱鉄機

Make it into a sheet of clay.

The water is removed by the pressure of the filter press machine, and the clay is made into a plate.

Mix and Concoct


Shape it into a cylinder and pack it.

Remove the air from the clay with a vacuum clay kneader and adjust the hardness to shape it into a columnar shape. We will wrap the product and ship it.

Manufacturing method by ball mill

We use raw materials from all over Japan and the world, such as pottery stone, feldspar, frog-eye clay and kaolin, to make a variety of porcelain clays.

The raw materials and water are placed in a ball mill, and by rotating the mill, the boulders are rolled and the raw materials are ground.
Mixed grinding, in which water is added together, completes the muddy water.

Mixing and grinding


Raw materials such as pottery stones are weighed and put into a ball mill according to the mixture of each product. Water is added and the mixture is crushed into small pieces.


The finished muddy water is pumped out and pumped to the tank.



Sieve the mud to remove the iron content.

Impurities are removed through a vibrating sieve (75-90 microns). The mud is then passed through a de-ironing machine (electromagnet) to remove the iron content.

Make it into a sheet of clay.

The water is removed by the pressure of the filter press machine, and the clay is made into a plate.

Mix and Concoct


Shape it into a cylinder and pack it.

Remove the air from the clay with a vacuum clay kneader and adjust the hardness to shape it into a columnar shape. We will wrap the product and ship it.